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Современная Китайская культура

Ouyang Xuemei
Merchandise Format: Printed book
Language: Russian
Language Skill: Reading
Language Level: Advanced | Chinese Researchers
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Contemporary Chinese culture, stemming from brilliant Chinese traditional culture, is established in modern society. China is driving the modernization of Chinese culture through bringing cultural development into her overall strategy on the socialism with Chinese characteristics. The Chinese culture with the special charm of the era is taking into shape. The book mainly introduces China’s thought and culture development, the protection of people’s culture rights and interests, the establishment of new moralities and customs, the development of culture and art, the progress of education, sci-tech, philosophy and social sciences, the preservation and inheritance of culture heritages, the status of religious development, the pattern of cultural industry and foreign culture exchanges in the new century.

Ouyang Xuemei, research fellow and director of Cultural History Research Office at the Institute of Contemporary China Studies, CASS, is mainly engaged in researches on contemporary culture, history of the People’s Republic of China and contemporary and modern personages. She presided over and attended ministerial scientific researches and authored Comparative Researches on Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi’s Theories on Prospering State and People and The Diplomatic Career of Soong May-ling.

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Price: ¥138.00 CNY
Discount: Varies by qty.
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Merchandise ID: 006104
ISBN13: 9787508531175
Publication Date: 2015-4
Pages: 260 pages
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